Our Business

CSR Promotion

CSR Promotion Framework

As for the promotion and implementation of CSR activities, Hymo has established the CSR Committee with top level management members, the CSR Promotion Office comprising mainly of mid-level employees from each division, along with those divisional working units in the research center, each plant, and the marketing which carry out CSR related tasks within each department.
Among them, the CSR Promotion Office plays a central role, engaging in a broad range of activities such as monitoring, investigating and interpretations of laws and regulations, and operation/improvement of environmental/quality management systems.

Compliance-training Activities

We believe that raising awareness of each and every employee is of primary importance to the implementation of CSR which focuses on compliance observation. For this reason, we regularly have all employees attend CSR training sessions to make it more interactive an engaging, which are instructed by the CSR Promotion Office and the general managers of each department. The training covers a broad range of content, and particular emphasis is placed on understanding and implementing “Hymo’s Major CSR Principles”, with an explanation handbook distributed to all participants in the sessions from time to time.

Hymo’s Major CSR Principles

  1. We will sufficiently review, understand and observe the laws and regulations which may relate to the task.
  2. We will confirm, understand and observe the “standards, rules, ethics and norms” acknowledged by the society.
  3. We will confirm, understand and observe the contracts and commitments we have agreed to with business partners, etc.
  4. We will confirm, understand and observe internal rules, standard work practices and rules at work place.
  5. We are aware of the importance of confidential information, intellectual property and personal information and will manage these appropriately and strictly.
  6. We seek for improvement on the quality of our operations, products and service to get the trust of our customers and others.
  7. We provide our customers with accurate and helpful information on the quality and application methods of our products.
  8. We endeavor to reduce environmental load in all our business activities.
  9. Both internally and externally, we observe the Safety Operational Manual to accomplish “zero accident.”
  10. Both internally and externally, we respect the individuality of each person and create work environment where people can work self-motivated and safely.

CSR Report

From 2006, Hymo has issued an “Environmental Safety Report.” The title has been changed to “Hymo CSR Report” at the issue of the 2024 edition.

Hymo CSR Report Download

Environmental Efforts

The Environmental efforts Hymo has engaged in since its foundation.

Hymo was the first in Japan to commercialize the polymer flocculants, Himoloc, and has contributed to purifying effluent water and pollution control. Living in an era that there is more focus on the environmental issues than ever, Hymo has engaged in the development of products which provide superior benefits in sedimentation and sludge dehydration, to achieve optimum utilization of our limited acqueous resource. Our high concentrated liquid products are such example of our contribution that they are excellent in solubility providing lower investment for make-up equipment, and consequently help enhancing work efficiency, saving manpower, and improving work environment.

Water consumed in the pulp & paper mills accounts for over 10% of the total amount in whole industries. The water at pulp & paper mills is mostly used in the process. 40 to 50 tons of water is required to manufacture 1 ton of paper. Hymo is contributing to improving the productivity and reducing power consumption of the industry. The performance of our retention aid used to recover the valuable raw material from process effluent is rated high by our customers.

The recent big scale construction works such as tunnels, dams, and railroads tend to utilize the latest method with the technology on labor saving and operational efficiency, while being nature-friendly and ecological. Hymo provides with the updated solution in this field as a well experienced chemical manufacturer.

Activities for Environment Improvement

The production section of Hymo engages on continual improvement work to manage it’s environmental responsibilities, according to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

2002 ISO14001 certified at Kanagawa and Yamaguchi Plants
2003 ISO14001 certified at Aomori Plant

Environmental Policy

  1. We assess the impact of our business activities on the environment, and set targets for important items and implement measures to achieve them.
  2. We comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, voluntary regulations and other requirements that we have decided to accept.
  3. We promote the provision of environmentally friendly products, thorough recycling of resources, and improvement of energy use efficiency.
  4. We improve our environmental management system continually with the aim of enhancing environmental performance.

Quality Efforts

Quality Management System (ISO9001)

Hymo continues to make every effort to improve overall performance, including the quality of services and products for our customers, by maximizing the use of PDCA cycle based on the ISO 9001 quality management system.

1998 ISO9002 certification at Kanagawa Plant
1999 ISO9002 certification at Aomori and Yamaguchi Plants
2000 ISO9001 certification at Shonan Research Center, including Design
2021 ISO9001 certification at Fukuoka Plant

Quality Policy

  1. By providing quality products and services, we aim to acquire the confidence and trust of our customers and contribute to society.
  2. We respond to the customer’s needs, by improving our quality control level with full involvement of all members.
  3. We continuously improve our quality management system and improve its effectiveness.


ISO14001 Certified Sites:
Aomori Plant, Kanagawa Plant, Yamaguchi Plant
ISO9001 Certified Sites:
Aomori Plant, Kanagawa Plant, Yamaguchi Plant,
Fukuoka Plant, Shonan Research Center